We have always felt that Servicing your BMW, Audi, or Mercedes-Benz shouldn’t be a complicated or complex matter. You shouldn’t have to go through a long check-in process and fork over $150 before anyone figures out your gas cap is loose. It should be simple. Independent Motorcars is different than most service centers and dealers in San Diego for a number of reasons.
We Check before we Charge. If you’re low on air, a bulb is out, or there’s some noise that seems off? No big deal. It takes 5 minutes for us to take a look. We aren’t charging for 5 minutes, and we certainly aren’t going to charge $150 to plug in and see why your Check Engine light is on. Unless your problem requires hours of diagnostics and dissecting wiring diagrams, there is no charge. We feel that you need to know what’s going on as soon as possible and don’t feel the need to ransom that information.
We are not a ‘Dealer Alternative.’ We are what service should be.
Independent Motorcars is a full service facility for your BMW, Audi, and Mercedes Benz automobiles.
Maintaining vehicles to the highest level to promote reliability. Planning ahead to avoid costly break-downs.

Happy Customers

Cars Serviced

Specialized Tools/Software

We Explain It — in English. We want you to understand what is going on with your car instead of listening to us talk through you with words that only make sense to us. When explaining any issue to our customers, we describe the problem as we would to our parents, and with language that actually resembles English. We feel it is important that you know about your car and become familiar with it. You might not remember all the details of what you’ve learned, but you will at least understand what the issue is.
No Nonsense Means No Hassle. Many dealers and service facilities require appointments that don’t fit your schedule or are weeks away while your brakes continue to squeal. Independent Motorcars works with your schedule. We understand today’s time crunch. Whether you’re a traveling professional or a retired volunteer with a packed calendar, we make it work. If you need to get picked up, your car needs to get picked up, or a rental is needed, we take care of it for you. Our service is not just what we can do to for your car — it’s what we can do for you.
We’re Honest. The most misused claim in the history of automotive repair. We don’t sell you things you don’t need; we prioritize the items you do. We don’t throw lines of BS if we aren’t sure; we find out. We tell it like it is. We tell you when you’re being mean to your car and tell you when you’re doing a great job. We’ll also tell you when you should just get rid of it instead of throwing good money at it.
Honesty isn’t a policy for us — it’s the primary reason we exist.
The staff at Independent Motorcars has been maintaining BMWs for a combined 25 years. Our knowledge of BMW automobiles is highly regarded at a national level, and we have assisted many other shops with unusual problems throughout the years. We have developed a sound and affordable program for every BMW in production to allow for a cost-effective plan for your car with affordable rates that drastically cut down unexpected repairs.
Once you’ve acquired your new or used Audi, Independent Motorcars can drastically reduce your maintenance costs. Factory training and quality parts are essential to the longevity of every Audi on the road. While your new or used Audi is under warranty, it will still need service and maintenance that may not be covered, which we provide at a fraction of the cost of going to the dealer. While your vehicle is being serviced, or at different mileage intervals, we also inspect all items covered under warranty and bring any issues to your attention. Managing your investment and as maximizing your warranty is of utmost importance to the longevity of your Audi.
Mercedes-Benz service used to be as simple as A, B and C, but things have changed over the years for your Star Car. The current service requirements are now overly complicated and overly expensive. It used to be that the entire car would be checked while in for an oil change at no additional cost. Now many places and dealers are charging for this as well as over complicating what is needed at different mileage intervals. We simplify it. While your new Mercedes-Benz is under warranty, the non-covered service can be quite expensive when visiting dealers in San Diego County. Items not covered under your factory warranty are much simpler and cost-effective at Independent Motorcars — for you and your car.

Chris has been a leading technician in the San Diego BMW community for the last 13 years.
Jay has an extensive knowledge of BMW cars and has been factory trained in VW and Audi automobiles during his career.
Erik is our resident customer service advocate, in shop assistant, code enforcer, neat freak, and comedian.
‘Miss Sid’ is Vicious
Like many a Saturday throughout the year I find myself at a San Diego BMWCCA Autocross event at Qualcomm Stadium where one of my customers drifts through the first turn of an S curve, attempts to recover for the second, and starts failing miserably. This pristine...
Finding an SLS AMG – The birthday present that almost wasn’t.
I help people buy cars all the time. Mostly it is during a Pre-purchase Inspection where an astute individual decides it might be a good idea to have a potential used car checked over before signing on the dotted line or surrendering a handful of cash to a guy he...
Car of the Week – 1999 BMW M3 – Love for the e36
A few weeks ago, I felt somewhat aged in my career as a 1999 M3, similar to this one, had a Respect your Elders sticker on the rear vent window. It brought me back to the time when the typical day was spent working on mostly 3,5,6, and 7 series cars that were built...
We are located in San Diego CA, in the heart of Miramar.
Independent Motorcars
9220 Mira Este Ct
San Diego CA 92126