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‘Miss Sid’ is Vicious
Like many a Saturday throughout the year I find myself at a San Diego BMWCCA Autocross event at Qualcomm Stadium where one of my customers drifts through the first turn of an S curve, attempts to recover for the second, and starts failing miserably. This pristine...
Finding an SLS AMG – The birthday present that almost wasn’t.
I help people buy cars all the time. Mostly it is during a Pre-purchase Inspection where an astute individual decides it might be a good idea to have a potential used car checked over before signing on the dotted line or surrendering a handful of cash to a guy he...
Car of the Week – 1999 BMW M3 – Love for the e36
A few weeks ago, I felt somewhat aged in my career as a 1999 M3, similar to this one, had a Respect your Elders sticker on the rear vent window. It brought me back to the time when the typical day was spent working on mostly 3,5,6, and 7 series cars that were built...
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