‘Miss Sid’ is Vicious

‘Miss Sid’ is Vicious

Like many a Saturday throughout the year I find myself at a San Diego BMWCCA Autocross event at Qualcomm Stadium where one of my customers drifts through the first turn of an S curve, attempts to recover for the second, and starts failing miserably.  This pristine 2004 M3 was in my shop 2 days prior to re-align the bumper, replace the wheel house liners, and remove a bunch of cone marks. Having already devoured about 10 cones, it is now spinning out of control and is headed for a massive concrete light post.  It comes to a halt about 3 feet from what would have been a total disaster. (more…)

Finding an SLS AMG – The birthday present that almost wasn’t.

Finding an SLS AMG – The birthday present that almost wasn’t.

I help people buy cars all the time.  Mostly it is during a Pre-purchase Inspection where an astute individual decides it might be a good idea to have a potential used car checked over before signing on the dotted line or surrendering a handful of cash to a guy he just met on craigslist.  I also do a lot of Post-purchase Inspections, and trust me, it is much easier to hear bad news during a ‘Pre’ than a ‘Post.’

On what might be considered the glamorous side of things, I have probably inspected close to half a billion dollars worth of exotic/classic cars for those with the means to buy them.  From Wall St. to Hollywood, I’ve dealt with an array of people hoping to get their dream car.  I take this job pretty seriously.  When it comes to cars, the higher the price tag, the taller the tales.  The shit people try to pull to make a sale is rather amazing. If you think that guy from craigslist was bad, wait until he’s 10 times worse but with a smile of bright white veneers and a tailored suit.  So, once I find said car, I then inspect it, and find any and every damn reason not to buy the car. (more…)

Car of the Week – 1999 BMW M3 – Love for the e36

Car of the Week – 1999 BMW M3 – Love for the e36

A few weeks ago, I felt somewhat aged in my career as a 1999 M3, similar to this one, had a Respect your Elders sticker on the rear vent window.  It brought me back to the time when the typical day was spent working on mostly 3,5,6, and 7 series cars that were built in the late 80s and early 90s.  I distinctly remember the first time I got into a e36 M3 and was a bit awestruck at how modern it was.  How aggressive the styling was compared to the previous 3-series chassis (e30).  The leather smelled fresh, the steering wheel was like no other and directed a much stiffer suspension than any other product BMW had delivered in the past.  Not to mention that in the 90s, the S52 engine was a beast to say the least. (more…)

Why I hate Run-Flat tires

Why I hate Run-Flat tires

I kept seeing this commercial for Bridgestone run-flat tires as I watched games in the annual NCAA Men’s Basketball tournament. While this is a great commercial and all,  I will never put run-flat tires on my car, and constantly steer customers away from them when they are in need of new rubber on their Audi, BMW, or Mercedes.  Here are a few reasons why I overwhelmingly favor conventional tires over current run-flat tires:

Run flat tires kills your handling. (more…)